They call themselves the 8-Nation Alliance. They comprise of USA, Japan, UK, France, Canada, Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary. As well all know, the International Tribunal of the U.N. Permanent Court of Arbitration gave their verdict in favor of the Philippines over Beijing’s claim to 95% of the South China Sea. This is supposed to be a victory for Filipinos. However, the headstrong China is not backing down and does not accept or acknowledge the decision. They did not even participate in the proceedings, feeling superior and all. With this new development of China's firm disobedience, the countries mentioned above vows to help the Philippines get what they rightly deserve as far as territorial disputes are concerned. China better not wage war. The world is already overflowing with greed and hate. We don't need more wars anytime soon.


  1. Austria-Hungary? That country has not existed since 1918

    1. Yes, it was dissolved in 1918 after the First World War.

    2. After the war the victors reorganized the borders in the area, radically changing political alignments. Different treaties affected the area, including the Treaty of Trianon (1920).

      Both Austria and Hungary became republics, exiling the Habsburg family in perpetuity. A pro-monarchist revival in Hungary after the communist revolution and the Romanian intervention of 1919 led to the country's formal reversion to a kingdom (March 1920), but with the throne vacant. Attempts by the last Emperor, Charles I, to regain power in Budapest (March, October 1921) ended in his deportation to Madeira, Portugal, where he died the following year. In the absence of a king, Hungary fell under the control of a regency, headed by the naval hero Miklós Horthy.

      Austria-Hungary and new states that emerged in 1918 (names and borders in red)
      The following new states formed themselves (in part or in full) out of the former Habsburg lands:

      State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs (joined with the Kingdom of Serbia on 1 December 1918 to form the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later Yugoslavia)
      In addition, some Austro-Hungarian territory went to Romania and Italy. Liechtenstein, which had formerly looked to Vienna for protection, formed a customs and defence union with Switzerland, and adopted the Swiss currency instead of the Austrian. In April 1919 Vorarlberg, the westernmost province of Austria, voted by a large majority to join Switzerland; however both the Swiss and the Allies ignored the vote.


    4. What everyone is talking about is wrong, Austria & Hungary are EU member. The one who are talking nonesense don't knw the world!It sounds Chinese to me the one who make comment.

    5. Must update your news of the world! Those country that you did mention are EU (European Member)Why you are telling nonesense.

    6. The Eight-Nation Alliance (Chinese: was an international coalition set up in response to the Boxer Rebellion by the nations of Japan, Russia, the British Empire, France, the United States, Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary. The coalition of military forces initially dispatched ostensibly to act as bodyguards for merchants of their Nations (and other persons, largely confined to the "foreign settlements", so-called "treaty ports" etc.) launched what has been termed a "humanitarian intervention", invading Qing China; eventually relieving the Siege of the Legations in Beijing during the summer of 1900. the 8 nation alliance is composed of Britain, United States, Australia, India,
      Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Japan & the Austria- Hungary Empire. Though the Austria - Hungary Empire has disbanded both countries are Independent (& are members of the EU btw) All 10 not 8 still are members of the 8 Nation Alliance. Suffice it to say that they actually have acted as the enforcers of International Law & will do so again! They were created to fight the Chinese in the 1900. So the Chinese are up against them again!

    7. For those who are think Austria-Hungary still exists, you need to reread what you misunderstood. The article talks about Austria-Hungary the country, and this comment thread is talking about how that specific country disbanded into what YOU thought they were talking about, Austria AND Hungary, and other countries like Poland as well. Don't mistaken the Austria-Hungary, the country that USED to exist before disbanding after WW1, with Austria AND Hungary, the modern countries that NOW exists in it's place.

  2. The God of Israel is in control over the Land of Philippines..
    We believe in God..

    1. GOD is watching and protecting over (us) His children in the PHILIPPINES. Amen.

    2. Yes only God is our protector...God will never leave us in any trouble...

    3. There is but ONE GOD your GOD is also OUR GOD and when HIS people is oppressed HE INTERVENE. AND because HE is a SPIRIT we cannot SEE HIM DOING ALL THE THINGS IN THE PHILIPPINES> the FILIPINOS and ISRAEL is ONE in the EYES OF GOD.

    4. These greedy Chinese wanted to dominate the world by manufacturing fake toxic foods. Killing all of us. Morons like them must not given respect by the rest of mankind. Simply by banning all their products. China you gain hates now.

    5. To ban their products, they will not survive. If we continue patronizing it, we are making them more dominants and superior. See what they are doing?bullying their neighbors and grabbing our disputes.

    6. To ban their products, they will not survive. If we continue patronizing it, we are making them more dominants and superior. See what they are doing?bullying their neighbors and grabbing our disputes.

    7. These greedy Chinese wanted to dominate the world by manufacturing fake toxic foods. Killing all of us. Morons like them must not given respect by the rest of mankind. Simply by banning all their products. China you gain hates now.

    8. Surely God is on our side, we have to discern if the help of other Nations are his doing. God is in control of everything and we Praise and thank Him for this Victory againsr an oppressive nation.
      The source of Illegal Drugs imported and made i our country by their citizen destroying every fiber of our society aim at taking control of this Region. Let us Pray for God Help.

    9. He is The Sovereign God! The Great I Am! Study the bible and you'll know in advance the full detail of everything.

    10. yes, i do believe too. God is good, he will bless the right from the wrong.

    11. Amarican and their allied countries administration has empowered China by offloading most of their big manufacturers. Now it's too late to control them.

    12. Amarican and their allied countries administration has empowered China by offloading most of their big manufacturers. Now it's too late to control them.

    13. Indeed HE is!! And the Lord will hear the cry of His people for protection and safety

    14. Indeed HE is!! And the Lord will hear the cry of His people for protection and safety

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We can harness the dragon china,The Philippines is where most of the servants of God dwell,with God'd mercy...
    Have faith in the Lord God of Israel...

    1. God of Israel? Israel has no God. Look what they did to the people of Palestine? If they have God they will not kill innocent children because of their greed.

    2. oh cammon how can u say israel has no god. if israel has no god i can say palestine will be punished all of them. but it dosent happen because they have god they still respecting life.

    3. Philippines was one who vote for the petition that the Israel will be back as a nation bec. they were vanished before as a nation during world war and the Phillipines also adopt the jews when the children of Gid had dispersed and Manuel Quezon who was the president in that time.
      God will protect Philippines.

    4. Philippines was one who vote for the petition that the Israel will be back as a nation bec. they were vanished before as a nation during world war and the Phillipines also adopt the jews when the children of Gid had dispersed and Manuel Quezon who was the president in that time.
      God will protect Philippines.

  5. When a stone hit Goliath between the eyes, it was Yahweh who gave David the strength and bravery to defeat the Philistines.

    1. No disrespect from your comment. But from a gamers POV it's a critical hit by David. One shot does the job.. ��

  6. The God of Israel loves the Philippines! Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

  7. china is a giant, and the philippnes an ant! the giant will have a hard time dealing with it!

    1. don't worry; it's a STUPID GIANT!

    2. Philippines as the GIANT ANT.

    3. 1400 filipino troops, vs 40000 chinese troops during the korean war in 1951. You know who the looser is. je je!

  8. Kahit maliit tayo basta nasa katwiran mananalo tayo.isama natin ang diyos sa labang ito,Godbless philippines

  9. The giant is licking his wounded pride and it is hard to admit a weakling inflicted such defeat. For now he may not accept the verdict of the Permanent Tribunal of Arbitration but the confluence of supports from the G7 nations will gradually tame the greedy giant.

  10. Bumabalik talaga ang history ng mga intsik sa pagiging mapag angkin noong panahon. Inihalintulad ko lang ito noong panahon
    ni Limahong na isang pirata na kahit hindi kanila ay kinukuhang pilit.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Firstly let me start with I do not know of a Solution and I am only Little People here However I DO KNOW THE SCRIPTURES so
    So Do the Chinese Beleive in God in fact do you not know there is a massive Growth in new converts each day as we speak from a populus of over 1 Billion and read Revelation Chapter 9 verse 16 concerning An Army of 200.000.000 Million Troops where do you think that could be possible from in terms of Logistics as China and Russia Border and The Anti-Christ is an ECONOMIC purveyor Figurehead of the 666 Credit system so ask yourself WHO will have the Strongest Economy in the Future everyone knows its China Right so where would GOD have a Large unfettered and unafraid Army to Monitor the Beast and Lastly DO NOT go picking fights with either CHINA or RUSSIA its not a good strategy because these so called 8 Nations have more to gain with China than Phillipines so who do you think they will have more of an option TO TRADE with from China and Phillipines so Phillipines BE SMART there is NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH do you have Any Idea of The CLOSE ties Between Eretz Israel China and Russia because I do as well as Britain too

    1. Whatever you said, just i want you to correct the spelling of our country's name. it is PHILIPPINES. not as you wrote.

    2. You are telling us about the revelation.. Maybe you know too what happen to red dragon right..

    3. You do know that the USA is ready and willing to help anyone against China and Russia but we have to have Trump as President first because Obama is the reason for the uprising of DASH/ISIS because Obama is a weak man and is the reason for all of the refugees in the countries that will help the Philippines the U.S.has stuck by and helped them before and will continue to give them all of the support. China and Russia will tremble when the U.S. gets back a man with no fear and wants to stop China from stealing everything that we have from technology and making counterfeit American goods. The U.S. also has a trillion dollar deficit to pay back China, so if China wants it's money it will do as the U.S.ask because China is already in a financial crisis, they don't have the money to do anything else but give the sea back

    4. I agree with you that there is no such thing as a free lunch. However, there are such things as periods, commas and questions marks when constructing sentences. Hasn't your English teacher taught you that? Honestly, I had a hard time digesting your comment. :-D

    5. I'm dyslectic and i did understand him. Haven't your teacher taught you respect for other peoples disabilitys? I have a hard time to understand why spelling is the subject for you Pinoya when you can't argue against other debatants. Do you allsow check youre doctors spelling?

    6. It is not about to how much the 8 nations gain from china or russia economic or trade wise. The 8 nation will side the philippines it is because we uphold the rule of law in settling the disputes. We filipinos are peace loving nation but if we are tried against our well we will fight to the end. GOD BLESS US ALL.

    7. It's not about who why what and how a country can offer for these 8 alliance for the Philippines, it's about respect of proud China to the tribunal decision. However big you are, you will fall. Said to be known as an economic giant China - which stole and patterned technologies from countries that set up factories for the reason of low labor cost, now claiming to be "made in china instead of manufactured in china". Severe economic crisis china is experiencing made them greedy grabbing property they never ever own, are so desperate, Even losing respect to the tribunal decision?

    8. He is a Chinese! :) can't trust a Chinese opinion on this. Yes, we benefit from China, but they have already taken our land for years ago and continue to expand that land using soil that's stolen from the Philippines! In ordinary situations where someone stole a thing from you, you could take it back or have it confiscated. The soil material of the 2000 hectares that they have built to expand their territory belongs to the Philippines. We should be able to claim it as ours! I couldn't care less about Chinese products. That is something that the Philippines should have focused on a long time ago, but it's never too late to start now. We have all the resources needed, so why not? Adjustment is always difficult, but it gets better over time.

      Why want Chinese products that could possibly get you into trouble? Haven't you heard of bananas that were tainted with HIV bacteria that was sent to the US?

    9. He is a Chinese! :) can't trust a Chinese opinion on this. Yes, we benefit from China, but they have already taken our land for years ago and continue to expand that land using soil that's stolen from the Philippines! In ordinary situations where someone stole a thing from you, you could take it back or have it confiscated. The soil material of the 2000 hectares that they have built to expand their territory belongs to the Philippines. We should be able to claim it as ours! I couldn't care less about Chinese products. That is something that the Philippines should have focused on a long time ago, but it's never too late to start now. We have all the resources needed, so why not? Adjustment is always difficult, but it gets better over time.

      Why want Chinese products that could possibly get you into trouble? Haven't you heard of bananas that were tainted with HIV bacteria that was sent to the US?

  13. Also dont go believing everything that is Posted on Facebook it is after all a Modern Social Media Propagtion site FACT and certain Manipulative and self interested parties do everything they can to push their own view as far as they can ..... we know this to be TRUE

    1. Dont go believing everything that is posted on faceboo?as you've said!!!then why do you react so much eeei?????

  14. Anyways in all things Bless you and Bless your people too as well as All Gods People

  15. no,, disregard the 8 countries, and ally with china.. for peace . war is not the solution,, duterte will sides with china and share with resources in spratly.. its just an oil conflict

  16. No matter what God is with us for what is right.Go Pilipinas


  17. china is overpowered with greed. it is righteously belong to my country Philippines so accept it!

  18. People are people the world over. Some are good, some bad, some greedy and some generous. Nations are like people and act the same way.

  19. The SUN of divinity holding the 8th fire will burn all nations having the power of the 3 stars

    Blessed are you Land of Promise, the golden 8 sunbeams shine as noon day will shine from you

  20. this article is not n the news lol

  21. The report did not mention the kind of support these countries are extending, military or just moral advises?

  22. I think china will not wage a war against PH abruptly, If only they are willing to eliminate all their kins living here in this country.

  23. Yes #Filipino #Philippines need to take there things back from China.

  24. Yes #Filipino #Philippines need to take there things back from China.

  25. US wants the oil and gas. Use Philippine to fight China by giving them the lawyer and court. Verdict came out in favor Philppine/US and the media continue the PR work(ABC, CNN, BBC,& all big corporate media own by the ELITE). Proud Filipino will keep antagonizing(MOB, RACIST & HOSTILE reactions) toward China (a qoute from ken). The clueless (Idiot Filipinos) will keep cheering for America until D-day(war). At the end of war, US will manage and supervise and suck the oil rich region as payment for the war spending. US foreign policy is a threat to WORLD PEACE!

    1. True, helping in disguise which actually have their own personal interest. Not just about oil, America knew they're lot more latent natural resources in the Philippines.

    2. better than china will slowly occupy the whole philippines

    3. Dont call filipinos idiots coz we are not. If you can' say your opinions without calling names, keep it to yourself.

    4. and do you think china is not an idiot for grabbing land?

    If God is with us who can be against us.
    Rome fell not from outside but inside due to moral decay.
    Philippines has been a friend of Israel welcomed the Jews during Holocaust
    God said a Nation that bless Israel will be blessed.Obama hates despises Israel. He presenting as Muslim n Christian. His loyalty? Supports Iran.its not rocket science. He's dividing America which is now in serious trouble leading to financial collapse like Venezuela maybe even Martial law. Only God can save the true faithful American.

  27. i want to remind you people that if war starts either instigated by china or the western powers,there will be no winner in that war, because by the time it is finished, humanity already had perished.. this war will not be fought like the second world war instead we humans will faced with unrepairable losses of life and natural resources, because once thus intercontinental missiles starts flying towards their target, humanity is doomed not only as a direct effects of this weapons but also the aftermath of human's lunacy.. so if you want a war because of National pride that is okay, but be responsible to what you wish cause after that war our country will again be subjected to the same problems from the past.. Yes you must remember, nothing comes for free.. Even the freedom that you have been taught comes with a price..if ever...and ever we survived the holocaust of war you are pondering...

  28. The whole world should back up Philippines. China's disobedience with the tribunal's decision only showed their disrespect to all the countries who made this agreement. An agreement that make countries be aware of their boundaries and limitations. A mutual decision that prevents this world to plummet into chaos.

  29. Im waiting for the side of Russia goes to PH. Then we can say that the victory is ours! Imagine if Russia (with their advance technology) and China ( the largest Military forces in the world) combined? Hays! Lets just pray for the China's respect and peaceful resolution of the issue.
